Tips from Keona: Is a blog of motivation for everyone everyday! Sites: * * * *
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Tips From Keona: Get back in the race
You've cried enough. Yes, I know people have hurt and the past hurts too, but it's time to get back up again. Time is passing by. Don't waste your life because your still hurt because of how someone hurt you.'s time to get back up. It's time to start dreaming again. It's time to focus again. It's time to start running towards your dreams again! Let the past behind you. Keep moving forward. GOD is with you. Pick your head back up. Dust yourself off and get back in the race!!
Tips from Keona: It starts in the home!
My parents always told me to TRUST IN GOD, DREAM BIG and to NEVER GIVE UP! It's so important that people motivate and push their children to go after their dreams. Let them know that they can do ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST. Because my parents always believed in me, I knew that I COULD ACCOMPLISH my dreams, WITH THE LORD ON MY SIDE. When I become a parent, in the future, I will make sure I encourage and motivate my children just like my parents encouraged and motivated me! Children need their parents to believe in them first! Even if you (as a parent) did not accomplish all your dreams in life...still motivate your children to go after their DREAMS.....THEY NEED YOUR MOTIVATION! It starts in the home!
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Tips From Keona: Stuck Up
Tips From Keona: Stuck Up
It's sad when I see stuck up Christian artists that act like they can't sing in front of a small group. It has to be 1,000+ people to show up in order for them to even seem a little interested lol. As a Christian artist, I don't care if there is only 1 person in the crowd...I'm still going to minister in songs!
Tips From Keona:
Man of God: Tips From Keona
Tips From Keona: Man of God
Woman of God, if a man (likes/loves) you he will let you know that he does. He will want to talk to you just as much as you want to talk to him. Don't chase a man. If he is interested, he will let you know. In addition, If he keeps you hanging on, where some days he is interested, and then other days he is not. Move on. Don't let a man play with your heart and emotions. Don't hang around for his little games. You are worth a man that is ready to commit fully. The Lord wants the best for you WOG. Wait for a man of God because a man of God has no time for games!
Tips From Keona:
Monday, May 12, 2014
Tips From Keona: God told me not to do that
Sometimes you hear people say "God told me not to do that" but then later on you see them doing exactly that they said God told them not to do. Now are they just disobeying God or were they just lying on hearing the voice of God?
Tips From Keona: There is nothing wrong with....
I heard a parent once say "my kids CAN'T date outside of their race". Well, I can't tell you how to raise your kids, but that's not right. Your teaching your kids to hate. As a parent they should be more concerned about their kids growing up and finding someone who really cares for them lol. There is nothing wrong with interracial dating. You should be able to love who you want to love. It should not matter what race they are, or the color of their skin. Some people are so racist.
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Friday, May 9, 2014
Tips From Keona: I DON'T CARE!!!
I can't stand it when a (man/woman) is walking with (his/her) girlfriend, wife, boyfriend, or husband, and (he/she) looks at another (woman/man). Sorry, there is NO excuse. That is disrespectful. You should only have eyes for the (man/woman) you are with! The sad thing is that the faithful one sometimes know they are with someone who looks at other (men/women), and they just don't care! Tell me my standards are too high "I DON'T CARE". I would be gone. Keona, won't be disrespected like that, and you should not let a (man/woman) disrespect you life that. It's not that your standards are too just KNOW YOUR WORTH!
For more tips from Keona:
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Tips From Keona: Don't Say!
Don't say I want a (God fearing man/virtuous woman of God) and you're not a (God fearing man/virtuous woman of God). Be the person you want to meet. A (God fearing man/virtuous woman of God) wants someone who is living the life, and seeks the Lord!
Tips From Keona: Respect your parents!
Wow, the way some (Kids, Teens, & Adults) talk to and treat their parents is so sad. I'm not just talking about young kids here, I'm talking about grown adults too lol. I don't care how old you are, you should always respect your parents! I'm an adult but I still have respect for my parents!
Ephesians 6:1-4 ESV -Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.” Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
Tips From Keona: Dreams
Today is a new day. Don't ruin today because you're still holding on to what someone told you what you can't do in life. The Lord has given you another day. Make it count. It's not to late too pick back up your dreams. Start right now. Don't keep saying "tomorrow". Work on some goals for life RIGHT NOW! You have to keep dreaming. Don't you dare waste this life. I don't care if your (mom/dad/grandma/teacher, or sister) told you would never been anything, clear your mind from their poisoning words. Prove them wrong. Keep moving forward, the Lord is with you. Use today to start moving toward your dreams!
Tips From Keona: I'm Boring?
I'm a Christian, and I truly enjoy my life. I never been to a: club, smoked, drink, cursed, never gave in to peer pressure, etc. I chose to live a life that is pleasing to God. Yes, my parents taught me well. No, I'm not trying to brag. What I'm trying to say is that stuff is lame. That stuff don't make you a (man/woman). A real (man/woman) of God follows and keeps His commandments. I knew doing those things would pull me away from God. People might say "I'm boring", but I know God is pleased with the life I've lived, and that is all that matter's. In the long run their actions are going to lead to destination. I still have fun, but what I'm doing must at all times please the Lord!
15 “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.
Tips From Keona: Role models for our youth!
Tips From Keona: I refuse to HURT
Tips From Keona: In Your Future
The DEVIL does not want you to see what GOD has in store for you in the future, so he tries to cloud your mind with thoughts from the past! Don't be fooled by his LIES! Every time you feel like your starting to get a little negative or start thinking about the past TELL YOURSELF: I DON'T LIVE THERE ANYMORE. Say, that GOD HAS MORE FOR ME IN THE FUTURE! Stay on track and trust in GOD! Know that He (GOD) is going to BLESS YOU, and that you can DO all things through CHRIST. KEEP ON DREAMING and DON'T let that DEVIL block you from seeing good things in your future!
-Keona J
Tips From Keona: Worship
Everyone (worships/praises) God differently. Some shout, some just cry and wave their hands, and some dance. As long as it's true worship (not for show), from the heart, I believe that God is pleased.
John 4:24 - New Living Translation
"For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth."