Thursday, July 24, 2014

Tips From Keona:

Tips From Keona: Place all your FEARS and WORRIES in GODS hand's <3 He's GOD your back!

Tips From Keona: A real man of GOD wants a real woman of GOD, and a real woman of GOD wants a real man of GOD <3

Friday, June 13, 2014

Tips From Keona: IT'S A LIFESTYLE!!

Tips From Keona: IT'S A LIFESTYLE!!

People need to stop playing church games and live a GODLY LIFESTYLE. They're in the club all week: drinking, smoking, having sex outside of marriage, and then they want to get to church on Sunday and act like they live the life that JESUS wants them to live. You might can fool people, but you cannot fool GOD! He knows when we are truly living the life, and He knows when we are just playing church! If you truly love the LORD you WILL LIVE have a GODLY lifestyle! Being a christian is NOT JUST ABLE going to church on Sunday. Yes, IT'S A LIFESTYLE!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tips From Keona: WATCH OUT!!

Tips From Keona: WATCH OUT!!

Anyone can put Prophet in front of their name and not truly be called by GOD. You better watch who you let speak into your life just because they call themselves a Prophet! I've see people who have gotten messed up because they did not go back and seek GOD for what someone spoke over their life! PLEASE WATCH OUT FOR THESE FALSE PROPHETS!! If you're in a healthy well balanced church bring it before your pastors. Prophet is not a name people should not just be putting prophet before their name just so they they can look good. Every false prophet will be judged by GOD for every lie they spoke into someone's life! When you call yourself a prophet your saying GOD told me this...and that is nothing to play with!!

-KeonaJ /TheKeonaJordanShow

Matthew 7:15
"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Tips From Keona: A man who is following Christ

Tips From Keona: A man who is following Christ 

I don't understand why some good women are attracted to these no good bad men. I mean the woman knows he's bad and yet she still wants him. Women of GOD you better be careful who you settle down with. The man you pick will be the man your son will someday look up too. Your son is going to want to be just like His father. Pick a man who is following Christ. You need to let go, and stop picking these bad men who you know are no good. 


Tips From Keona: Fake People

There are some real fake people in this world. You must be very careful with who you are trusting! People will smile in your face, but are just waiting for you to turn your back so that they can hit you down. There are still some honest trustworthy people you can trust in, but not everyone is your friend! Watch out for the fake friends! Ask GOD to show you who is really for you!


Tips From Keona: Head of The House

Tips From Keona: Head of The House

When I get married to an awesome man of GOD one day, I want him to be the head of the house. No, I'm not going to try and do his job. Ladies, being the head of the house does not mean he just sits there and bosses his family around, and it does not mean you're his slave lol! As the head of the house, a man should pray, provide, love, protect, and seek GOD for his family. He needs to keep you safe the scripture say in Ephesians 5:25 ESV "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her". Ladies, Proverbs 31:12 ESV tells us that "She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life". Ladies, you should also pray, encourage, and be good to the head of your household! My parents have been married 25+ years and they have truly showed me by example that marriage is beautiful and is a team effort. My father truly has been a great man of GOD. He has truly been the head of our household. He has truly loved GOD and our family, and my mother has truly been Good to my father and her children!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Tips From Keona: Get back in the race

Tips From Keona: Get back in the race

You've cried enough. Yes, I know people have hurt and the past hurts too, but it's time to get back up again. Time is passing by. Don't waste your life because your still hurt because of how someone hurt you.'s time to get back up. It's time to start dreaming again. It's time to focus again. It's time to start running towards your dreams again! Let the past behind you. Keep moving forward. GOD is with you. Pick your head back up. Dust yourself off and get back in the race!!

Tips from Keona: It starts in the home!

Tips from Keona: It starts in the home!

My parents always told me to TRUST IN GOD, DREAM BIG and to NEVER GIVE UP! It's so important that people motivate and push their children to go after their dreams. Let them know that they can do ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST. Because my parents always believed in me, I knew that I COULD ACCOMPLISH my dreams, WITH THE LORD ON MY SIDE. When I become a parent, in the future, I will make sure I encourage and motivate my children just like my parents encouraged and motivated me! Children need their parents to believe in them first! Even if you (as a parent) did not accomplish all your dreams in life...still motivate your children to go after their DREAMS.....THEY NEED YOUR MOTIVATION! It starts in the home!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Tips From Keona: Stuck Up

Tips From Keona: Stuck Up

It's sad when I see stuck up Christian artists that act like they can't sing in front of a small group. It has to be 1,000+ people to show up in order for them to even seem a little interested lol. As a Christian artist, I don't care if there is only 1 person in the crowd...I'm still going to minister in songs!

Tips From Keona:

Man of God: Tips From Keona

Tips From Keona: Man of God

Woman of God, if a man (likes/loves) you he will let you know that he does. He will want to talk to you just as much as you want to talk to him. Don't chase a man. If he is interested, he will let you know. In addition, If he keeps you hanging on, where some days he is interested, and then other days he is not. Move on. Don't let a man play with your heart and emotions. Don't hang around for his little games. You are worth a man that is ready to commit fully. The Lord wants the best for you WOG. Wait for a man of God because a man of God has no time for games!

Tips From Keona:

Monday, May 12, 2014

Tips From Keona: God told me not to do that

Tips From Keona: God told me not to do that

Sometimes you hear people say "God told me not to do that" but then later on you see them doing exactly that they said God told them not to do. Now are they just disobeying God or were they just lying on hearing the voice of God?


Tips From Keona: There is nothing wrong with....

Tips From Keona: There is nothing wrong with.....

I heard a parent once say "my kids CAN'T date outside of their race". Well, I can't tell you how to raise your kids, but that's not right. Your teaching your kids to hate. As a parent they should be more concerned about their kids growing up and finding someone who really cares for them lol. There is nothing wrong with interracial dating. You should be able to love who you want to love. It should not matter what race they are, or the color of their skin. Some people are so racist.

For More Tips click the link below:

Friday, May 9, 2014

Tips From Keona: I DON'T CARE!!!

Tips From Keona: I DON'T CARE!!!

I can't stand it when a (man/woman) is walking with (his/her) girlfriend, wife, boyfriend, or husband, and (he/she) looks at another (woman/man). Sorry, there is NO excuse. That is disrespectful. You should only have eyes for the (man/woman) you are with! The sad thing is that the faithful one sometimes know they are with someone who looks at other (men/women), and they just don't care! Tell me my standards are too high "I DON'T CARE". I would be gone. Keona, won't be disrespected like that, and you should not let a (man/woman) disrespect you life that. It's not that your standards are too just KNOW YOUR WORTH!

For more tips from Keona:

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tips From Keona: Don't Say!

Tips From Keona: Don't Say!

Don't say I want a (God fearing man/virtuous woman of God) and you're not a (God fearing man/virtuous woman of God). Be the person you want to meet. A (God fearing man/virtuous woman of God) wants someone who is living the life, and seeks the Lord!


Tips From Keona: Respect your parents!

Tips From Keona: Respect your parents!

Wow, the way some (Kids, Teens, & Adults) talk to and treat their parents is so sad. I'm not just talking about young kids here, I'm talking about grown adults too lol. I don't care how old you are, you should always respect your parents! I'm an adult but I still have respect for my parents!

Ephesians 6:1-4 ESV -Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.” Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.


Tips From Keona: Dreams

Tips From Keona: Dreams

Today is a new day. Don't ruin today because you're still holding on to what someone told you what you can't do in life. The Lord has given you another day. Make it count. It's not to late too pick back up your dreams. Start right now. Don't keep saying "tomorrow". Work on some goals for life RIGHT NOW! You have to keep dreaming. Don't you dare waste this life. I don't care if your (mom/dad/grandma/teacher, or sister) told you would never been anything, clear your mind from their poisoning words. Prove them wrong. Keep moving forward, the Lord is with you. Use today to start moving toward your dreams!


Tips From Keona: I'm Boring?

Tips From Keonaⓒ: I'm Boring?

I'm a Christian, and I truly enjoy my life. I never been to a: club, smoked, drink, cursed, never gave in to peer pressure, etc. I chose to live a life that is pleasing to God. Yes, my parents taught me well. No, I'm not trying to brag. What I'm trying to say is that stuff is lame. That stuff don't make you a (man/woman). A real (man/woman) of God follows and keeps His commandments. I knew doing those things would pull me away from God. People might say "I'm boring", but I know God is pleased with the life I've lived, and that is all that matter's. In the long run their actions are going to lead to destination. I still have fun, but what I'm doing must at all times please the Lord!

15 “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.


Tips From Keona: Role models for our youth!

We totally need more positive (women and men) role models for our youth! People who are actually living the life they preach. Gosh, some of the people they have to look up to today are really misguiding them!


Tips From Keona: I refuse to HURT

I refuse to HURT people like they HURT me. I will continue to love and support them! I wish the BEST FOR THEM! I want them to succeed in LIFE! I don't want to see them hurting to struggling EVER. I pray for them constantly!


Tips From Keona: In Your Future

Tips From Keona: In Your Future

The DEVIL does not want you to see what GOD has in store for you in the future, so he tries to cloud your mind with thoughts from the past! Don't be fooled by his LIES! Every time you feel like your starting to get a little negative or start thinking about the past TELL YOURSELF: I DON'T LIVE THERE ANYMORE. Say, that GOD HAS MORE FOR ME IN THE FUTURE! Stay on track and trust in GOD! Know that He (GOD) is going to BLESS YOU, and that you can DO all things through CHRIST. KEEP ON DREAMING and DON'T let that DEVIL block you from seeing good things in your future!

-Keona J

Tips From Keona: Worship

Tips From Keona: Worship

Everyone (worships/praises) God differently. Some shout, some just cry and wave their hands, and some dance. As long as it's true worship (not for show), from the heart, I believe that God is pleased.

John 4:24 - New Living Translation
"For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth."

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

God has not forgotten you!

Tips From Keona: God has not forgotten you! 󾮚

Keep your head up. God has not forgotten about you. I know it looks like everyone is getting blessed but you. Keep trusting in Lord. Don't think for one second that He has passed you by. No, God knows what He is doing and if He has you waiting.....wait patiently on Him. He's going to bless you. Don't give up.....hold on.....He has not forgotten you!

-KeonaJ ⓒ
For More Tips From Keona push the Link Below:

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tips From Keona: Counterfeit

Tips From Keona: Counterfeit 

Sometimes you might have to go through a few counterfeit (men/women) to find a real (man/woman) of God. If you only look just at the outside appearance for a (cute face & hot ride) you might be fooled. Look deeper, behind their good looks, and see if their heart is just as good. See if they live the life they preach. See if they truly do read their word, pray, and love the Lord. Some (men/women) are not what they say they are. Do not let a counterfeit (man/woman) deceive you because you were so caught up on their looks. Ask the Lord to show you the difference between the fake and the real deal. I believe there are still someone someone God fearing (Men/Women) out there......wait on the Lord and don't settle!

-KeonaJ ⓒ
For More Tips From Keona push the Link Below:

Monday, April 28, 2014

Tips From Keona: A little encouragement

Tips From Keona: A little encouragement

There are people that we go to church, school, and work with that smile in our face every day, and we don’t know that DEEP DOWN inside they are HURTING. We don’t see it because we are too busy thinking only about ourselves, and we don’t notice that we can take time out and encourage someone else. They are fighting a major battle, about to give up, and they only need a little encouragement. If we only looked close enough we could see it in their eyes, but we are so busy that we only look at their smile and walk right on by! I wrote all this to say: Yes, we have things that are going on in our own lives, but even when we are facing our own battles we must not forget to notice and encourage someone else. You never know, while you are encouraging them they might say something that encourages you! 


Tips From Keona: Red Flag

Tips From Keona: Red Flag ☜

If a man/woman you are trying to get involved in does not want to meet your parents that is a red flag...there's a reason why they keep making up excuses.....they are NO GOOD!


Tips From Keona: REAL FRIENDS

Tips From Keona: REAL FRIENDS 

Be careful. Don't just call anyone your friend. Some people will smile in your face, but hate you in their hearts. Secretly they will try all they can to destroy you and your dreams. Just watch their actions and ask GOD who should I allow to stay in my life, and who are your REAL friends! There are still some GOOD friends out there! Even if you have to walk alone for a while do that....but don't just hangout with anyone and call them your FRIEND!


Tips From Keona: Family Time

Tips From Keona: Family Time

FAMILY TIME is so important :) I still love to sit around the table with my mom, dad, and sisters. We just laugh and have a good time! You are never TOO OLD to hangout with your family! Show them that you love them by spending time with them! If you say you are TOO BUSY clear your schedule, and make some time for them! Don't miss these precious moments......they go so fast!


Tips From Keona: Beautiful

Tips From Keona: Beautiful 

Look in the mirror everyday and tell yourself "I'm beautiful". I don't care what body type you have. I don't care if you're African American, Caucasian, Hispanic, Chinese....etc you are beautiful! Don't ever wish to be someone else. Think about this: when you talk about yourself, you are talking about Gods creation. We are all beautiful in our own way. God made you and no matter what anybody has ever told you I want you to know that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!

*KeonaJ ⓒ

Tips From Keona: Stay Faithful

Tips From Keona: Stay Faithful 

Stay FAITHFUL to your Wife/Husband or Girlfriend/Boyfriend. If you know that you still have wondering eyes, and you can't commit to one person, then don't even get into a relationship. It's as simple as that. A real (man of God/virtuous woman) does not play around. Don't play with someone heart. Be loyal!!! 


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Tips From Keona: God's Plans are NOT our plans!

      Sometimes life does not go our way, and we don't always get what we want. We have our whole lives planned out from beginning to end lol! Sometimes God stops our plans because He knows what we want is not good for us. It will only ruin or take us off His course. We sometimes complain when things don't go our way, and we don't understand why things are not happening the way we want them to. God knows the future. He can see things we can't. We must learn to trust in the Lord! When things don't go our way we have to trust in His plan for our lives. That's not always easy, but it is worth it! We need to learn to thank the LORD for stopping our plans, and for putting us back on track with His plans for our lives! We can let go of our plans knowing that His plans are better. He tell us in His word "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope" Jeremiah 29:11.  Yes, your life is in good hands…..Have FAITH IN HIS PLAN!

Proverbs 16:9-
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.
Isaiah 55:8-
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. 

©Keona Jordan


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Tips From Keona: Unequally yoked

Tips From Keona: Unequally yoked

If you are a Christian make sure that when you decide to get into a relationship, or if you are in a relationship, you are with someone who follows and loves the LORD like you...or else it will not work!!! You will be just wasting your SWEET time.....! My future Man of GOD has to be a Christian, and has to LOVE the LORD......I'm not wasting my don't you waste your time either! 

2 Corinthians 6:14
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?


Friday, April 11, 2014

Tips From Keona: Why should I keep doing good?

I got an E-Mail a few weeks ago from Kelly, and it was real interesting. I really wanted to share it with you all.....because maybe you’re thinking like the person that sent me this E-Mail:

Here is what they said:

Dear Keona,

My name is Kelly. I watched your show and was really blessed. I have a question and I know you won't judge me. I'm a Christian and I love the Lord. I'm getting tired of living right, and it seems like the sinners gets blessed more than me. Why?  Please, help me Keona.....I feel like all my good is for nothing. Does GOD sees me?

Please help me Keona...thanks!

This was my reply:

I immediately thought about this scripture: Galatians 6:9 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up".

           Kelly, If you keep doing good, living as the Lord wants you to live by His Word, you will soon be rewarded. When it is time. Don't worry about what they do. You keep living right by His word! Soon you will be rewarded. God sees that you are living right. Don't grow tired. AGAIN, don't let what they are doing (living against the word of GOD) take you off track. You MUST stay focused. They will soon have to answer to GOD. For you living by His word, the LORD will truly bless you, but it’s on His timing. While you are waiting, don't give up, and trust in Him. Keep doing good. Be good to people. Do not be discouraged. Pick your head back up. There will soon come a time when you will be rewarded. You WILL REACH YOUR HARVEST!!!!

(Kelly told me I can share and talk about her message to me)

-KeonaJordan (c)


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tips From Keona: For The Brokenhearted

    In life some people will hurt, use, and break you down. Sometimes it's from the people we least expected it from. It can totally catch you off guard. It can also break you down physically/mentally, and leave you lost, broken, embarrassed, and confused. Your left feeling like you've have all you can take, and you will WANT TO GIVE UP! Please listen to me, and hear what I am about to tell you. Cry for a little. We ALL cry....because we are HUMAN and things hurt, but AFTER A WHILE you need to dust yourself off, get back up, and KEEP MOVING FORWARD!

          It's not always easy and I understand that. It takes seeking GOD, and a bunch of little baby steps to completely heal from a broken heart. Don't stay down. Give your broken heart to the LORD!  Psalm 34:18 tells us that: "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." His word also tells us in Psalm 147:3 that "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." That's a beautiful scripture. To know that whenever I am hurting that the LORD is there to help me...I can rest and let go knowing that I'm in good hands. GOD WILL HEAL OUR BROKEN HEARTS.

          If they go, LET THEM GO. You don't want someone in your life that does not want to be there, or someone who keeps hurting you. I know you might be mad, but don't seek revenge. let GOD deal with them. That's not fair you say? You feel like they are getting away with hurting you? NO, God sees everything and He will deal with it. Romans 12:19 tells us "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord." LET IT GO AND MOVE ON. Don't become bitter that is only going to block you from what's coming next. God has better people coming your way. You will only get to it only if you: LET It GO, GIVE GOD YOUR BROKEN HEART, and KEEP MOVING FORWARD......! 

You are STRONG......keep moving forward!!!

-KeonaJordan (c)


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tips From Keona: Don't fear and don't worry

Sometimes know matter how rooted you are in your word (The Bible), we all as humans get scared. We ALL have experienced fear and we all have worried.  Maybe you’re scared of something right now as you are reading this post. Don't feel bad and don't feel like it's the end of the world lol. We have ALL been there. The problem comes in when you don't get help. The help I'm talking about comes from the LORD, and He encourages us though His word! The moment we start to fear and get worried we need to remind ourselves what He said to us in His word (Read Matthew 6:25-34) do NOT worry. It's not easy, but cast ALL your cares on the LORD like the scripture (Read Psalm 55:22) tell us too! It's not easy but God can do more with our problems than we can. STOP the worrying today, RIGHT NOW, and put complete FAITH in GOD! Fear is not of GOD. Don't believe me? Well, (Read Timothy 1:7) Pray to the LORD. Trust in Him, and lean NOT on your own understanding. Don't fear and don't worry.....GOD knows what you are going through and He is with you. Whatever you are going through right now it’s going to work together for your GOOD. Don't believe me? Read (Read Romans 8:28). GOD is with you DON'T GIVE UP. YOU WILL MAKE IT THROUGH!!!!

-KeonaJordan (c)


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tips From Keona: Trust in God. Wait for Real Love!

             One thing I can't stand is a cheater. If you are in a relationship stay faithful to that ONE PERSON. Don’t be afraid to claim that person. Tell the world "Yes, that's my Man/Woman of God". Fight your battles together, and don't fight each other. Motivate and encourage each other. Pray for each other, and most of all pray with each other! My parents Dr. Jerome and Pastor Kisha Jordan, have given me a great example of how love is supposed to be. One day when God blesses me with an awesome Man of God I'll have what my parent taught me about true love. Don't stay with any man/woman who is going to play around with your heart. Keep your standards and don’t lower them. Give it (your heart) too God and let Him place in the right man/woman's hands. Wait for real true love don't settle with someone because you’re lonely. Your worth more. Trust in God. Wait for Real Love!

-KeonaJordan (c)


Monday, April 7, 2014

Tips From Keona: You WILL make it though

          I want you to know that you can make it through whatever you are going through. I know that you are scared RIGHT NOW thinking "this is more than I can bear". NO, don't think like that. GOD is with you and you WILL make it though.

-Keona Jordan (c)
